
<WRAP center round todo 60%>


See our list of printers to find one close to you and follow the setup instructions at Printing at NCEAS.

Select Rm313(Vislab) - Xerox COPY - LJ6 when you need to print anything more than 10 pages.

Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

Press (Alt + Tab) to switch between applications. If there are more than two applications open at the same time, do not release the Alt key and press the Tab key to move through the selection. Or Press (Alt + Esc) repeatedly until the program you want appears.

Press (Alt + W) to pull down the Window menu. Type the number corresponding to the document you want to switch to. Or Press (Ctrl + F6)

Select the data.

Press the (F4) function Key.

<table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="4" border> <tr>

  `<td valign="top" style="border:1px >``</code>`

###   Print and Save

**Print**: `<ctrl>` P`<br>`

**Save**:`<ctrl>` S`<br>``<br>`

###   Find and Replace 

**Find and Replace**: `<ctrl>` F `<br>`
**Find Again**:`<ctrl>` G `<br>`
**Find Previous**: `<ctrl>` `<shift>` G `<br>`

`<td valign="top" style="border:1px solid #c6c9ff color: black;" >`

###   Copy, Paste, Move & Select 

**To Copy and Paste**: `<br>`
1. Select text`<br>`
2. `<ctrl>` C (to copy)`<br>`
3. `<ctrl>` V (to paste)`<br>`

**To Move`<br>`
1. Select text`<br>`
2. `<ctrl>` X (to cut)`<br>`
3. `<ctrl>` V (to paste) `<br>`//or// `<br>` `<ctrl>` `<Shift>` V (to paste unformated -- helpful for pasting into emails)

`<td valign="top" style="border:1px>`

###  How can I enter special characters?

####  OS X in General

####  Microsoft Word

###   Formatting Shortcuts 

**Bold**: `<ctrl>` B`<br>`
**Italic**:`<ctrl>` I`<br>`
**Underline**:`<ctrl>` U

`<td valign="top" style="border:1px>`
###   Take a Picture of Your Monitor Screen 
Press the "Print Screen" (or "PrtScr") button on your keyboard.
Then open your email (or Word doc or other) and paste (`<ctrl>` v).

To take a picture of just *part* of your screen,
use the "Snippit" Tool.  More on this later ...

###  How do I copy a file or folder path on the shared drives on Jupiter (e. g. to share with another staff person)?

  * Right-click the file or folder -> **Get Info**
  * Copy the path from **Where:** or **Server:**