
Email preferences

To get your response to start at the top of the email go to ** Tools -> **Account Settings ->** Composition and Addressing** change to ** start my reply above the quote**

Installing Lightning Calendar on Windows/OS X

Set up Google Calendar Sync with Lightning

  1. install the “Provider for Google Calendar” from (use the same steps as installing lightning)
  2. restart thunderbird
  3. Click File -> New -> Calendar -> On The Network -> Google Calendar
  4. In the location box, paste the XML link from Google calendar
*  open Google Calendar in a browser, click Settings, then click on the calendar you want to sync, then click on the XML link (choose Private Address to sync both ways, or Calendar Address for read-only access)  5.   Enter the User Name and Password for **your google login**  6.   Name the calendar  7.   Click Done, then repeat 3-7 for additional calendars